Benison, M.A.
Integrated Wellness, Inc.
Couples Therapy
Balance.Health & Body.Communication.
Long-term relationships are successful because there is caring, trusting, listening, supporting, negotiating, befriending, and respect. When couples demonstrate their love in this way, the relationship feels safe and the energy of each person can go toward positive connection and meeting each other’s needs.
Quite often, couples are communicating their displeasure in the relationship by criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, threatening, punishing, controlling, and, finally withdrawing. These are strategies that never work.


Pam helps couples to get out of the losing cycle of “conflict”, by teaching skills that build true support, repair, understanding and emotional maturity. To this end, the 5 love languages are studied, the enneagram is presented, the 5 winning strategies for a loving relationship are practiced in sessions.
Suggested Reading
Passionate Marriage, David Schnarch
Resurrecting Sex, David Schnarch
You Don’t Have to Take It Any More, Steven Stosny
The Verbally Abusive Relationship, Patricia Evans
The New Rules of Marriage, Terrence Real
The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman
Love Affairs, Richard Taylor
Understanding Marriage, Richard Taylor
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman