Benison, M.A.
Integrated Wellness, Inc.
Methods of Therapy
Eclectic Psychotherapy.Gesalt.Mindbody.Cognitive.
Personality Typing.Positive Psychology.Family Wealth Counseling.

Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive therapy is a collaborative effort between Pam and the client. She seeks to learn what the client wants out of life, to listen, to teach, and to encourage the individual. She looks for new behaviors that are calming, intelligent, energizing and resourceful when resolving difficult issues.
Personality Typing: The Enneagram
The Enneagram is an ancient and sophisticated model of personality. The Enneagram helps us identify nine distinct patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Each of the nine views has three sub-types which explain our instinctual tendencies and how we seek primary satisfaction in life. Without awareness of these fixed tendencies, we often lose touch with our genuine self, and, the truth that our nature is not fixed, but fluid and pulsing with wisdom. It is an effective tool in understanding one’s self and others. Currently, the Enneagram is being taught at Stanford Medical School and in leading businesses around the world.
Positive Psychology
Positive psychology is a new branch of psychology which focuses on the study of human thriving. It brings to the forefront our positive emotions and individual character strengths. Through the development of these qualities, we can bring meaning, well-being and optimism to all facets of our personal and professional world.
Family Wealth Counseling
The successful transfer of wealth from one generation to the next requires much more than well-drawn documents. Family wealth counseling goes far beyond the figures into the human dynamics at play among family members. Each and every one of us has a relationship to our money. This can range from fear/obligation/dependency to gratitude/generosity/sheer joy. In this setting, the family sits down to talk frankly about wishes for preserving the legacy of their money, both material and intangible assets. This is a time to dream and discover together. Pam's experience uniquely positions her to counsel and inspire families who wish to create and fulfill a collective vision for their future.

Eclectic Psychotherapy
Eclectic psychotherapy selects what is useful from all available theories, methods and practices. The eclectic method allows me flexibility with all clients when they are facing difficult choices, feelings, and the absence of a vision for their life.
Gesalt Therapy
Gestalt consists of bringing discordant elements of the psyche into a mutual, self-disclosing confrontation. This approach focuses on immediate behavior and feelings. The task of therapy is to discover relatedness of these alienated aspects of one’s self through awareness and acceptance. Gestalt therapy is most helpful in understanding the significant messages in our dreams.
MindBody Therapy
This is a special blend of counseling for clients and their families when confronted with a challenging health issue or chronic pain.